Useful Information

Useful Number

Emergency Numbers
Fire, Police and Ambulance 999
PCSO Seoniad Greenwood  101
Environment Agency Floodline 03459 881188
Western Power – landline users 0800 365900
Western Power – mobile users 0330 1235001
Local Representation
West Devon MP – Geoffrey Cox 01822612925
County Councillor – Lois Samual  07976 780635
West Devon Borough Council – Caroline Mott 01837 861212
Lew Trenchard C of E Primary School 01566 783273
Lifton Primary School 01566 784288
Launceston 01566 772468
01566 773918
Okehampton 01837 650910
Tavistock 01822 614231
Ring and Ride – Okehampton area 01837 55000
Ring and Ride – Tavistock area 01822 618028
CAB 08444 111444
West Devon Woman’s Aid 01837 55228
Age Concern 01752 665424
Health Info Line 0800 665544
Homelessness Trust 01822 615259
Parentline 0800 8002222
Relate 01392 275681
Samaritans 08457 90909



Local Businesses